2021-08-07 James Bazen Trio Virtual Concert

Streamed on Facebook Live 6 – 7 PM

Sponsored by Alexandria Parks Office of the Arts

Instagram: @alexartsoffice

The James Bazen Trio will present an online concert via Facebook.  Join me here with pianist Jon Ozment and bassist Scott Giambusso. We’ll be playing  traditional to contemporary jazz. We may even throw in an original or two. 

For more info call 410-255-5700 or email jcbazen@musicunlimited.com.

Alexandria, VA @artsALX .

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2021-09-02 James Bazen Big Band at Glen Echo

JBBB Live @Glen Echo

The Legendary Pizza Band Returns
Glen Echo Bumper Car Pavilion
7300 MacArthur BLVD Glen Echo, MD
7:30 - 9:00 PM

The Pizza Band Lives!

Come out to Glen Echo’s Bumper Car Pavilion for a FREE outdoor concert on Thursday 9/2/21 7:30 PM.

Progressive big band jazz featuring the area’s finest jazz cats. Check out this YouTube video from back in the day: Corner Pocket.

Check out who’s playing the Thursday night concerts throughout the summer: Glen Echo Concerts

Continue Reading2021-09-02 James Bazen Big Band at Glen Echo